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Extensive example of using mocks in Angular tests

There is an extensive example how to use mocks in Angular tests below, please pay attention to comments in the code, they explain purposes and intentions.

Also, you can play with the test in sandboxes:
name: 'translate',
class TranslatePipe implements PipeTransform {
public transform(value: string): string {
// Just for the test purpose
// we do not use any translation services.
return `translated:${value}`;

// Our main component that we want to test.
selector: 'app-root',
template: `
<app-header [showLogo]="true" [title]="title" (logo)="logoClick.emit()">
<ng-template #menu>
<a [routerLink]="['/home']">{{ 'Home' | translate }}</a>
<a [routerLink]="['/about']">{{ 'About' | translate }}</a>
class AppComponent {
@Output() public logoClick = new EventEmitter<void>();
@Input() public title = 'My Application';

// A dependency component out of which we want to create a mock
// component with a respect of its inputs, outputs and ContentChild.
selector: 'app-header',
template: `
<a (click)="logo.emit()">
<img src="assets/logo.png" *ngIf="showLogo" />
{{ title }}
<template [ngTemplateOutlet]="menu"></template>
class AppHeaderComponent {
@Output() public readonly logo = new EventEmitter<void>();
@ContentChild('menu') public menu?: TemplateRef<ElementRef>;
@Input() public showLogo = false;
@Input() public title = '';

// The module where our components are declared.
declarations: [AppComponent, AppHeaderComponent, TranslatePipe],
imports: [CommonModule, RouterModule.forRoot([])],
class AppModule {}

describe('main', () => {
// Usually, we would have something like that.
// beforeEach(() => {
// TestBed.configureTestingModule({
// imports: [
// CommonModule,
// RouterModule.forRoot([]),
// ],
// declarations: [
// AppComponent,
// AppHeaderComponent,
// TranslatePipe,
// ],
// });
// fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);
// fixture.detectChanges();
// });
// But, usually, instead of AppHeaderComponent and TranslatePipe
// we want to have mocks.

// With ng-mocks it can be defined in the next way.
beforeEach(() => {
// AppComponent will stay as it is,
// everything in AppModule will be replaced with their mocks.
return (
MockBuilder(AppComponent, AppModule)
// Adding a special config how to create
// a mock AppHeaderComponent.
.mock(AppHeaderComponent, {
render: {
// #menu template will be rendered simultaneously
// with the mock AppHeaderComponent.
menu: true,
// a fake transform handler.
.mock(TranslatePipe, v => `fake:${v}`)
// the same as
// TestBed.configureTestingModule({
// imports: [
// MockModule(CommonModule),
// MockModule(RouterModule.forRoot([])),
// ],
// declarations: [
// AppComponent, // <- keeping it as it is.
// MockComponent(AppHeaderComponent),
// MockPipe(TranslatePipe, v => `fake:${v}`),
// ],
// });
// return testBed.compileComponents();
// of if we used ngMocks.guts
// TestBed.configureTestingModule(ngMocks.guts(
// AppComponent, // <- keeping it as it is.
// AppModule,
// ));
// return testBed.compileComponents();
// But in this case TranslatePipe will return undefined,
// if we do not customize it via MockInstance or defaultMock.

it('asserts behavior of AppComponent', () => {
const logoClickSpy = jasmine.createSpy(); // or jest.fn();
// in case of jest
// const logoClickSpy = jest.fn();

// Instead of TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent) in beforeEach
// MockRender might be used directly in tests.
const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent, {
logoClick: logoClickSpy,
title: 'Fake Application',
// It creates a helper component
// with the next template:
// <app-root
// [title]="'Fake Application'"
// (logoClick)="logoClickSpy($event)"
// ></app-root>
// and renders it via TestBed.createComponent(HelperComponent).
// AppComponent is accessible via fixture.point.

// The same as fixture.debugElement.query(
// By.directive(AppHeaderComponent)
// );
// but type safe and fails if nothing has been found.
const header = ngMocks.find(AppHeaderComponent);

// Verifies how AppComponent uses AppHeaderComponent.
expect(header.componentInstance.title).toBe('Fake Application');

// Checking that AppComponents updates AppHeaderComponent.
fixture.componentInstance.title = 'Updated Application';
'Updated Application',

// Checking that AppComponent listens on outputs of
// AppHeaderComponent.

// Verifies that AppComponent passes the right menu into
// AppHeaderComponent.
const links = ngMocks.findAll(header, 'a');
const [link1, link2] = links;

// Checking that TranslatePipe has been used.
// An easy way to get a value of an input. The same as
// links[0].injector.get(RouterLinkWithHref).routerLink
expect(ngMocks.input(link1, 'routerLink')).toEqual(['/home']);

expect(ngMocks.input(link2, 'routerLink')).toEqual(['/about']);