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Angular mocking troubleshooting FAQ

TypeError: this.titleStrategy?.updateTitle is not a function

Angular 14 added a root provider for an abstract class TitleStrategy which uses DefaultTitleStrategy. Therefore, if you keep RouterModule in your tests, you might face TypeError: this.titleStrategy?.updateTitle is not a function because ng-mocks mocks TitleStrategy and it doesn't know anything about DefaultTitleStrategy.

To fix it error you need to set a default mock for TitleStrategy in src/test.ts or src/setup-jest.ts / src/test-setup.ts in case of jest:

import { DefaultTitleStrategy, TitleStrategy } from "@angular/router";
import { MockService, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';

// A14 fix: making DefaultTitleStrategy to be a default mock for TitleStrategy
ngMocks.defaultMock(TitleStrategy, () => MockService(DefaultTitleStrategy));

Error: NG01052: formGroup expects a FormGroup instance. Please pass one in.

Usually, that happens when you are using FormBuilder in your code, and MockBuilder in your test, with intentions to keep FormsModule or ReactiveFormsModule and to mock the rest.

Since Angular 15.1.0, FormBuilder is a root provider, and, therefore, should be explicitly kept along with FormsModule or ReactiveFormsModule.

beforeEach(() =>
.keep(FormBuilder) // <-- add that

Or, you can keep all root providers with help of NG_MOCKS_ROOT_PROVIDERS.

beforeEach(() =>
.keep(NG_MOCKS_ROOT_PROVIDERS) // <-- add that