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How to fix Template parse errors: <component> is not a known element

This error might happen in a test when we have a mock module of the module a testing component depends on, but its declarations have not been exported.

declarations: [DependencyComponent],
class MyModule {}
beforeEach(() => {
declarations: [
MyComponent, // <- the only declaration we care about.
imports: [MockModule(MyModule)],
return TestBed.compileComponents();

In this case, a test will throw Template parse errors: <DependencyComponent> is not a known element.

The problem here is that DependencyComponent is not exported, and to get access to a mock DependencyComponent we need either to declare it on the same level where MyComponent has been declared or to export DependencyComponent.

there are 3 solutions to do it:

  1. to call MockComponent on it directly in the TestBed

    beforeEach(() => {
    declarations: [MyComponent, MockComponent(DependencyComponent)],
    return TestBed.compileComponents();
  2. to use ngMocks.guts, it does the same things as the first solution, but provides mocks of all imports and declarations from MyModule.

    beforeEach(() => {
    TestBed.configureTestingModule(ngMocks.guts(MyComponent, MyModule));
    return TestBed.compileComponents();
  3. to use MockBuilder, its behavior differs from the solutions above. It creates a mock MyModule, that exports all its imports and declarations including a mock DependencyComponent.

    // Do not forget to return the promise of MockBuilder.
    beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent, MyModule));

Profit. More detailed information about pros and cons of each approach you can read in motivation and quick start from ng-mocks.