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Generates and returns metadata for TestBed module.

  • ngMocks.guts( MyDeclaration, ItsModule )
  • ngMocks.guts( [Thing1, Thing2], [ToMock1, ToMock2], [Skip1, Skip2] )

The first parameter can be a declaration or array of them which we want to test. The second parameter can be a declaration or array of them out of which we want to create mocks. The third parameter can be a declaration or array of them which we want to exclude. They support: Modules, Components, Directives, Pipes, Services and tokens.

If there is a module in the second parameter, then its guts will be replaced with their mocks excluding things from the first parameter. Any parameter might be null if we need to skip it.

const ngModuleMeta = ngMocks.guts(Component, ItsModule);
const ngModuleMeta = ngMocks.guts(
[Component1, Component2, Service3],
[ModuleToMock, DirectiveToMock, WhateverToMock],
[ServiceToExclude, DirectiveToExclude],
const ngModuleMeta = ngMocks.guts(