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There is a ngMocks.faster feature that optimizes setup of similar test modules between tests and reduces required time on their execution.

Imagine a situation when beforeEach creates the same setup used by dozens of it. This is the case where ngMocks.faster might be useful, simply use beforeAll instead of beforeEach, call ngMocks.faster before beforeAll and the Angular tests will run faster.

describe('performance:correct', () => {
ngMocks.faster(); // <-- add it before

// The TestBed is not going to be changed between tests.
beforeAll(() => {
return MockBuilder(TargetComponent, TargetModule).keep(TargetService);

it('...', () => {
// ...

it('...', () => {
// ...

// ...

If a test creates spies in beforeEach then this should be tuned, because ngMocks.faster will detect this difference and display a notice.

A possible solution is usage of MockInstance instead of manual declaration, or to move creation of spies outside of beforeEach.

Example of MockInstance

describe('beforeEach:mock-instance', () => {
ngMocks.faster(); // <-- add it before

// A normal setup of the TestBed, TargetService will be replaced
// with its mock object.
// Do not forget to return the promise of MockBuilder.
// TargetService is a provider in ItsModule.
beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(TargetComponent, ItsModule));

// Configuring behavior of the mock TargetService.
beforeAll(() => {
MockInstance(TargetService, {
init: instance => {
instance.method = jasmine.createSpy().and.returnValue(5);
// in case of jest
// instance.method = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(5);
instance.prop = 123;

// Do not forget to reset the spy between runs.

Example of optimizing spies in beforeEach

describe('beforeEach:manual-spy', () => {
ngMocks.faster(); // <-- add it before

// Creating a spy outside of `beforeEach` allows its pointer being
// the same between tests and this let ngMocks.faster do its job.
const mock = {
method: jasmine.createSpy().and.returnValue(5),
// in case of jest
// method: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(5),
prop: 123,

// Do not forget to reset the spy between runs.
beforeEach(() => {
// in case of jest
// mock.method = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(5);
mock.prop = 123;

// A normal setup of the TestBed, TargetService will be replaced
// with its mock object.
beforeEach(() => {
return MockBuilder(TargetComponent, ItsModule)
// TargetService is a provider in ItsModule.
.mock(TargetService, mock);


Usage of ngMocks.faster() covers MockRender too.

With its help, MockRender can be called in either beforeEach or beforeAll. beforeAll won't reset its fixture after a test, and the fixture can be used in the next test. Please pay attention that state of components also stays the same.
describe('issue-488:faster', () => {
let fixture: MockedComponentFixture<TargetComponent>;


beforeAll(() => MockBuilder(TargetComponent, ItsModule));
beforeAll(() => (fixture = MockRender(TargetComponent)));

it('first test has initial render', () => {

fixture.point.componentInstance.value += 1;


it('second test continues the prev state', () => {

fixture.point.componentInstance.value += 1;
