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ngMocks.globalExclude marks declarations, services and tokens to be excluded during creating mock modules.

The best place to do that is in src/test.ts for jasmine or in src/setup-jest.ts / src/test-setup.ts for jest.

It is useful when some of them have been provided in TestBed.initTestEnvironment, and we would like to get these versions in tests, although something declares or imports original ones.

Let's imagine that we have TranslationModule and would like to use it as it is in tests, but with a mock backend. In the same time, we would like to avoid repeating setups in every test to recreate that.

Therefore, we can configure it via initTestEnvironment, but there is a problem. If we import a module that imports TranslationModule in tests, then this effect of initTestEnvironment will be overloaded.

To keep the effect, we need to exclude TranslationModule during the mocking process. That is where ngMocks.globalExclude comes for help.

imports: [TranslationModule.forRoot(mockBackend)],
exports: [BrowserDynamicTestingModule, TranslationModule],
class TestEnvModule {}



Now, if we call MockModule(ModuleWithTranslationModule), the TranslationModule will be excluded out of the final mock module, and, consequently, the version from initTestEnvironment will be used.