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ngMocks.trigger provides a simple interface which allows to trigger all the variety of events and to customize their properties.

Common events

For example, a focus event can be triggered like that:

const el = ngMocks.find('input');
ngMocks.trigger(el, 'focus');
ngMocks.trigger(el, 'blur');
ngMocks.trigger(el, 'mouseleave', {
x: 1,
y: 2,

or simply with selectors which are supported by ngMocks.find.

ngMocks.trigger('input[name="address"]', 'focus');
ngMocks.trigger(['name', 'address'], 'blur');

Key combinations

In order to simulate shot keys and test their handlers, for example, Control+Shift+Z:

const el = ngMocks.find('input');
ngMocks.trigger(el, 'keydown.control.shift.z');
ngMocks.trigger(el, 'keyup.meta.s');

Custom events

Instead of the name of an event, an event object can be passed. In order to create an event object ngMocks.event can be used.

const el = ngMocks.find('input');
const event = new CustomEvent('my-event');
ngMocks.trigger(el, event);