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How to update to the latest version of ng-mocks

Usually, you can use the latest version of ng-mocks with any Angular 5+ application.

Below you can find critical changes. They happen on major releases.

If you are facing an issue, despite the instructions, please, feel free to contact us.

From 17 to 18

There are no special cases. The update should be straight forward.

From 16 to 17

There are no special cases. The update should be straight forward.

From 15 to 16

There are no special cases. The update should be straight forward.

From 14 to 15


If you want to use global configuration and features like ngMocks.autoSpy, you need to add test.ts back to your project: How to add ng-mocks to a fresh Angular 15 project


If you have been testing RouterModule using MockRender(RouterOutlet), you need to add empty params to MockRender:

const fixture = MockRender(RouterOutlet, {});

From 13 to 14

MockBuilder becomes stricter and starts to throw errors on wrong configuration. If you call MockBuilder with 2 parameters and use the chain for dependencies:

beforeEach(() => {
return MockBuilder(Declaration, ItsModule)

MockBuilder throws an error if Dep1 or Dep2 hasn't been imported or declared somewhere in ItsModule and its imports.


That has been done to let you know when one of dependencies is missing. So, if a developer has removed Dep2 from ItsModule you would get an error during CI instead of production.

It's not recommended, but you can change this to console.warn or disable it. For that, please change the config of ng-mocks in src/test.ts, src/setup-jest.ts or src/test-setup.ts:

onMockBuilderMissingDependency: 'warn', // or 'i-know-but-disable'

Usually, you need Dep1 or Dep2 which aren't imported in ItsModule, when they are external dependencies, such as MatDialogRef or ActivatedRoute. In this case, please add them explicitly to the params of MockBuilder instead of chain methods:

beforeEach(() => {
return MockBuilder(
// Things to keep and export.
[Declaration, Dep1, MatDialogRef], // providing and keeping MatDialogRef
// Things to mock and export.
[ItsModule, Dep2, ActivatedRoute], // providing and mocking ActivatedRoute

Please note, that if you call MockBuilder with 0 or 1 parameters, all chained dependencies are added to TestBed and exported by default now:

// It doesn't throw, allows access to Declaration, MatDialogRef, Dep2 and ItsModule in TestBed.
beforeEach(() => {
return MockBuilder(Declaration)

// It doesn't throw, allows access to Declaration, Dep1, ActivatedRoute and ItsModule in TestBed.
beforeEach(() => {
return MockBuilder()

From 12 to 13

There are no special cases. The update should be straight forward.

From any old one to 12.4.0

Because of issues with the speed of merging a fix for jest, there is a braking change in 12.4.0.

If you are using MockInstance in beforeAll, beforeEach or it, and rely on automatic reset, then you have to perform extra configuration. More information in the How to install ng-mocks and in MockInstance.scope sections.

From 11 to 12

The only breaking change is auto-spy.

ngMocks.autoSpy('jasmine') and ngMocks.autoSpy('jest') should be used instead of import 'ng-mocks/dist/jasmine'; and import 'ng-mocks/dist/jest';.

From 11.10 to 11.11 and higher

If you are facing an issue with MockRender and a thrown error about "Forgot to flush TestBed?", you may want to suppress it instead of fixing, whereas fixing it is the right way.

In order to suppress the error, you need to upgrade to 12.0.1 at least, and to add in test.ts:

onTestBedFlushNeed: 'warn',

Then instead of throwing errors, MockRender will log them in console as warnings.

From 10 to 11


Now it does not export all mock imports and mock declarations, but respects exports of modules. The story is the same as in the update from 8 to 9 for MockBuilder.mock.

If you still need to export them, then you should consider a migration of affected tests to MockBuilder or ngMocks.guts.


MockHelper has been renamed to ngMocks, please check its docs.


Previously, it had been accepting a meta parameter, now it has been removed.

Contact us, if you are using this functionality.


From 9 to 10

There are no special cases. The update should be straight forward.

From 8 to 9

from MockModule to MockBuilder.mock

MockModule exports all imports and declarations, and MockBuilder.mock respects exports of modules.

This behavior allows tests to fail, if a declaration of a module has been changed, and it does not export a dependency anymore. Likewise, an Angular application would fail too.

From 7 to 8

There are no special cases. The update should be straight forward.

From 6 to 7

There are no special cases. The update should be straight forward.

From 5 to 6

There are no special cases. The update should be straight forward.