How to test a provider of a directive in Angular application
This test is quite similar to "How to test a provider of a component". With difference that we need a bit different template.
Let's prepare TestBed
: the service for testing is the first parameter, the directive is the second one:
beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(TargetService, TargetDirective));
A custom template for the test could look like:
const fixture = MockRender(`<div target></div>`);
Once we have the fixture we can extract the service from it and assert its behavior:
const service = fixture.point.injector.get(TargetService);
Live example
import {
} from '@angular/core';
import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';
// A simple service, might have contained more logic,
// but it is redundant for the test demonstration.
class TargetService {
public readonly value = true;
// The purpose of the directive is to add a background color
// on mouseenter and to remove it on mouseleave.
providers: [TargetService],
selector: '[target]',
class TargetDirective implements OnInit {
public constructor(
public readonly service: TargetService,
protected ref: ElementRef,
protected templateRef: TemplateRef<void>,
protected viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef,
) {}
public ngOnInit(): void {
if (this.service.value) {
describe('TestProviderInDirective', () => {
ngMocks.faster(); // the same TestBed for several its.
// Because we want to test the service, we pass it as the first
// parameter of MockBuilder.
// Because we do not care about TargetDirective, we pass it as
// the second parameter for being replaced with a mock copy.
// Do not forget to return the promise of MockBuilder.
beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(TargetService, TargetDirective));
it('has access to the service via a directive', () => {
// Let's render a div with the directive.
MockRender('<div target></div>');
// Let's find the debugElement with the directive.
// Please note, that we use ngMocks.find here.
const el = ngMocks.find(TargetDirective);
// Let's extract the service.
const service = ngMocks.get(el, TargetService);
// Here we go, now we can assert everything about the service.
it('has access to the service via a structural directive', () => {
// Let's render a div with the directive.
MockRender('<div *target></div>');
// Let's find the debugNode with the directive.
// Please note, that we use ngMocks.reveal here.
const node = ngMocks.reveal(TargetDirective);
// Let's extract the service.
const service = ngMocks.get(node, TargetService);
// Here we go, now we can assert everything about the service.