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How to test usage of ngrx in Angular applications

ng-mocks perfectly mocks NGRX modules. However, there are might be issues if some of them should be kept.

StoreModule and EffectsModule are entry point factory modules to configure reducers and effects. Under the hood, NGRX uses four modules, and these modules should be configured in MockBuilder:

  • StoreRootModule for StoreModule.forRoot
  • StoreFeatureModule for StoreModule.forFeature
  • EffectsRootModule for EffectsModule.forRoot
  • EffectsFeatureModule for EffectsModule.forFeature

Let's imagine that we want to keep ngrx in a test. In this case, we should pass the modules into .keep:

beforeEach(() =>
MockBuilder(TargetComponent, TargetModule)
.keep(StoreRootModule) // keeps all StoreModule.forRoot
.keep(StoreFeatureModule) // keeps all StoreModule.forFeature
.keep(EffectsRootModule) // keeps all EffectsModule.forRoot
.keep(EffectsFeatureModule) // keeps all EffectsModule.forFeature

Lazy loaded modules with .forFeature()

When you want to test a lazy loaded module which does not import StoreModule.forRoot(), or EffectsModule.forRoot(), and only has StoreModule.forFeature or EffectsModule.forFeature, you need to add .forRoot() manually:

beforeEach(() =>
// keep and export
// providing root tools
// mock

// keeping lazy loaded module imports
.keep(StoreFeatureModule) // keeps all StoreModule.forFeature
.keep(EffectsFeatureModule) // keeps all EffectsModule.forFeature


When you want to test integration with ngrx modules, you can use provideMockStore with MockBuilder:

beforeEach(() =>
MockBuilder(TargetComponent, TargetModule).provide(
initialState: {
// ...

It might be needed to use MockRenderFactory, if you need to get a Store instance before rendering:

describe('provideMockStore:MockBuilder', () => {
beforeEach(() =>
MockBuilder(TargetComponent, TargetModule).provide(
initialState: {
[myReducer.featureKey]: 'mock',

// creating a factory for render
const factory = MockRenderFactory(TargetComponent);
beforeEach(() => factory.configureTestBed());

it('selects the value', () => {
// injecting Store
const store = TestBed.inject(Store);
const dispatchSpy = spyOn(store, 'dispatch');

// rendering
const fixture = factory();

// asserting
setValue({ value: 'target' }),

Meta reducers


A mock meta reducer stops all reducers in the store


If you have a module which has a meta reducer, such as StoreDevtoolsModule, then please don't forget to keep it too if you plan to keep store modules for testing. Otherwise, no actions will be reduced, and the store will be always empty.

As an option, such a module could be excluded to avoid any side effects: .exclude(StoreDevtoolsModule).


Apart from that, it might be needed to keep StoreRootModule, but suppress all manually injected meta reducers. In order to do so, simply mock USER_PROVIDED_META_REDUCERS token with an empty array: .mock(USER_PROVIDED_META_REDUCERS, []).

Then zero meta reducers will be provided in current test suites.