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How to test usage of @angular/material (Angular Material) in Angular applications

Angular Material is a UI library with a lot of UI components. Below you can find information how to test a component which uses Angular Material.

The next example will be based on usage of mat-table. Let's assume, that a component uses mat-table like that:

<table mat-table [dataSource]="dataSource">
<!-- Position Column -->
<ng-container matColumnDef="position">
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>No.</th>
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element">
{{ element.position }}

<tr mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="displayedColumns"></tr>
*matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns"

A test of such a template requires to:

  • mock mat-table
  • assert passed inputs
  • assert templates for Position column
  • assert the rest of templates

Information about testing ng-template and its TemplateRef is taken from the ngMocks.render.

Spec file

With MockBuilder, our spec file needs a single line to provide mocks:

beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(TargetComponent, TargetModule));

Where TargetComponent is a component which uses mat-table, and TargetModule is its module.

Testing inputs of mat-table

In this test we need to verify that mat-table data from out component's instance.

The tools from ng-mocks we need:

it('binds inputs', () => {
// Rendering TargetComponent and accessing its instance.
const targetComponent =

// Looking for a debug element of `MatTable`.
const tableEl = ngMocks.reveal(['mat-table']);

// Asserting bound properties.
expect(ngMocks.input(tableEl, 'dataSource')).toBe(

Testing matColumnDef and matCellDef templates

To test the ng-template, we should find TemplateRef which belongs to matColumnDef and matCellDef attributes, render them, and assert the rendered html.

The tools from ng-mocks we need:

it('provides correct template for matColumnDef="position"', () => {
// looking for the table and container
const tableEl = ngMocks.reveal(['mat-table']);
const containerEl = ngMocks.reveal(['matColumnDef', 'position']);

// checking that there are no artifacts around

// checking header
const headerEl = ngMocks.reveal(containerEl, [
ngMocks.render(tableEl.componentInstance, headerEl);
'<th mat-header-cell="">No.</th>',

// checking cell
const cellEl = ngMocks.reveal(containerEl, ['matCellDef']);
ngMocks.render(tableEl.componentInstance, cellEl, {
position: 'testPosition',
'<td mat-cell=""> testPosition </td>',

Testing mat-header-row template

The approach to test mat-header-row is the same as above.

We need to find which directive belongs to mat-header-row, it is MatHeaderRowDef.

The tools from ng-mocks we need:

it('provides correct template for mat-header-row', () => {
const targetComponent =
const tableEl = ngMocks.reveal(['mat-table']);

// checking that there are no artifacts around

const header = ngMocks.findInstance(tableEl, MatHeaderRowDef);
ngMocks.render(tableEl.componentInstance, header);
'<tr mat-header-row=""></tr>',

Testing mat-row template

The approach to test mat-row is the same as above.

We need to find which directive belongs to mat-row, it is MatRowDef.

it('provides correct template for mat-row', () => {
const targetComponent =
const tableEl = ngMocks.reveal(['mat-table']);

// checking that there are no artifacts around

const row = ngMocks.findInstance(tableEl, MatRowDef);
ngMocks.render(tableEl.componentInstance, row);
'<tr mat-row=""></tr>',